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EHAK xml parser example Estonian EHAK xml parser written in php I decided to share a little PHP class which parses Estonian official settlements XML and outputs nice array out of it. It can be used for selecting commonly used "3 level" address.

offline access demo - batch posting Example of facebook app which uses offline access permission I decided to create simple app that collects users access tokens (with offline_access) into mysql database and later uses these to post on their walls. I chose it because lot of people were asking me about this and I need it too soon.

awsome picture Next 11 month are awsome Pure awsomness of y2k11 driving me right now. In this post I share some points/goals which are guiding me at moment. I think I won't call them resolutions just in case, because they aren't.

Mobile games presentation International gaming and mobile app club in Estonia While back I attended club-seminar titled International gaming and mobile app club which was held by Tehnopol in Estonia. Here is very short overview about the event and some links they pointed out.

checkbox ticked Adding enabled checkbox into node menu settings in Drupal Simple solution to add menu enabled checkbox right into node editing form using hook_form_alter and hook_nodeapi in drupal 6.

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I am co-founder of web/media studio GIVE me. and (android)developer at start-up named Choco. Read my about page to learn more.